
AMHE 46th Annual Medicale Convention
July 20-28, 2019

“Essentials in Medical Practice”

August 5, 2019

Dear 2019 Convention Participants,

The Central Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees, and the Convention Organizing Committee thank all of you for attending the 46th AMHE Annual Medical Convention in Havana and Varadero, Cuba July 20-29, 2019.  The 2019 AMHE Convention concluded successfully and we hope that all our participants are home safely having taken with them memory-making moments of the event while looking forward to the 2020 convention.

The Annual AMHE Medical Convention provides opportunities that include but are not limited to: 1) fundraising for the Association; 2) promoting friendly amicable interaction among conference participants; 3) stimulating interaction amount professionals in the Haitian medical community; 4) joining forces to support our communities in the US and in the homeland.  Your participation at the 2019 convention is a true testament of your support for the work AMHE is doing in targeted communities.  The 2019 Convention presented its own challenges, but we are pleased that it turned out into one of the best conventions AMHE has organized in recent memory.  In the next couple of days, we will send you a Convention Satisfaction Survey.  We would be grateful to hear your opinion and gather your recommendations for future conventions.

AMHE especially thank all our convention speakers for their outstanding presentations.   The social events this year included cultural enrichment excursions and they were well attended.  The success of these events must be attributed to the coordinators, organizers, volunteers, and the participants.  Kudos and special thanks to the AMHE New Jersey chapter social committee for a remarkable output.   Last, but not least, we take our hats off to the volunteers who organized the Chapter Night event and for their dedication and commitment.  We want to send our special thanks to Mrs. Jacqueline Murray for hosting an amazing Chapter Night event.

Hoping your families are enjoying the last few weeks of summer, we send you our best wishes.  We hope to see you at different AMHE events, most particularly next summer at the Convention being planned for the 47th Annual AMHE Medical Convention in July 2020.  Please stay tuned for future communications.  

Yours sincerely,

2019 Convention Organizing Committee



Dear AMHE Travelers;

We welcome your participation at the 2019 AMHE Medical Convention from July 20-28, 2019. The theme of the convention this year is “Essentials in Medical Practice.” The conference this year will offer 17 to 20 CME Credits to participants.

For your information, this trip is in compliance with OFAC Regulations amendment of June 4, 2019, and fall under the professional meeting category of the OFAC #515.564and 515.565 licenses. We are providing you here the links to all the documents you must download and carry along with you for your convenience and smooth travel.

1.Travel Affidavit (Download, sign, and submit a copy to AMHE)

2.To Whom it May Concern Letter (Download, please add your name - one letter needed for each traveler. Carry a copy with your traveling papers)

3.Travelers Checklist (To help you track all that you must complete before traveling)

4.Schedule of Activities (A program of the expected Activities for the week - For your information)

We are looking forward to seeing you at this important AMHE event. Have a safe trip!


Karl Latortue, M.D.
Vice President, AMHE

“Essentials in Medical Practice”


Hotel Rates       Book Hotel online      Register for Scientific Sessions        Download Hotel Form          Facts and FAQs          Optional Excursions

The 46th AMHE Annual Convention features:

For information about hotel accommodations, please call our Administrative Assistant, Ms. Myriame Delva at (718) 245-1015. For best prices, book your hotel room and register early. Please see attached flyer for hotel rates.

NOTE: Pay the full package during early bird to enter the AMHE convention Special drawing for a chance to win a Surprise gift.


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